December 2023 Updates

Discover What's New: December 2023 Product New Features & Enhancements

Last update this year!

Our team has focused on making PVFARM high-quality and has made great progress.

We hope these changes will free up time for things that bring you joy!

Use Cases

Rigid trackers vs trackers following terrain

Change the tracker structure and play with the grading window to find the most reasonable tracker configuration.

Cut and fill vs piles optimizations

Design options, create your scenarios, and evaluate outputs to find a buildable version concerning site conditions.

New Features

Upgrades to Project Workflow

  • Follow a clear Layout generation flow
  • Organize your workspace to your preferences
  • Find reports, analysis, and compare with a single click
  • Detailed in-app hints and help
    • Layout modeling
    • Terrain and Piles

Cut/Fill and Grading Analysis

Place equipment on terrain with the new solvers and workflow. Choose the level of detail according to your project phase.

Thanks to our partners for their help in achieving these great results!

Terrain-following Trackers

It's incredibly easy to convert rigid trackers into terrain-following ones. Place trackers into the terrain and find the most beneficial tracker design for your terrain conditions.

Runtime Energy Model

Just import a meteo file and evaluate the energy performance for your layout in real-time. Look at energy per block, circuit, tracker.  

Layout Import

Fill in missing equipment from imported CAD layouts by automating inverter and combiner box placement using one (or multiple!) electrical schemes and instantly get a fully equipped layout.

Try the New Features


  • CAD Plugin version 5.8. Now the Plugin supports trackers created as arrays.
  • Export to DXF and SHD concerning the terrain following trackers’ data.
  • Find the civil quantities now in the project metrics report
  • PAN/OND files import via Catalog. Check the parameters and complete the form with the deficient parameter values.

Table of contents